I have tried following ways but nothing seems to work. My UninstallString looks like: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RunDll32.EXE" "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\InstallerCore\NVI2.DLL",UninstallPackage Display.Driver Once the process is started it displays the NVIDIA Uninstaller dialog box for manual selection/click of the UNINSTALL button to proceed further. Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RunDll32.EXE" -ArgumentList $argList -Wait # Any of the following command can start the process $unused, $filePath, $argList = $us.UninstallString -split '"', 3 # Splitting the Uninstall String into executable and argument list $us = Get-childItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" -ErrorAction Silentl圜ontinue | Get-ItemProperty | Where-Object | select DisplayName, UninstallString The normal code looks like this: #Get Uninstall String from Registry It is best to exclude the DDU folder completely from any security software to avoid issues.I can uninstall NVIDIA Graphics Driver from PowerShell but I am unable to figure out how to do it silently.Make a backup or a system restore (but it should normally be pretty safe).The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safemode is always the best.DDU should not be used every time you install a new driver unless you know what you are doing.DDU should be used when having a problem uninstalling / installing a driver or when switching GPU brand.